Project 2: Quote Me


Each team will design up to four versions of the one (same) quote as a single-page ‘poster’ that expresses the quote typographically. Each version explores a different range of aspects and constraints and their effect on the visual and communication outcomes. Each team member will be responsible for one version; however, the team is assessed on the collective outcomes (the set).

The Team

Nicole –
Liv –

Our Quote

Grids do not exist in a vacuum.
They exist in relation to the content.
We never start with a grid.
We start with an idea which is then
translated into a form, a structure.
Linda Van Deursen

My Limitations

2 typefaces
2 sizes
2 colours

My thoughts on the quote

While interesting… It is super, duper long.



Mocks & Muck around attempts (first sentence only as it’s a looooong quote)

Thoughts – placed as if in a grid but with vacuum squeezed together


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