Response 3: Journal Research

Emotion Design, Emotional Design, Emotionalize Design: A Review on Their Relationships from a New Perspective, Amic G. Ho and Kin Wai Michael Siu

In this article, Ho and Siu (2012) discuss and explore “basic concepts and definitions of emotion design, emotional design and emotionalize design” which assist in furthering our understanding of how they are related to every day human-oriented design activities. The article goes on to explain how designers and users play an important role in defining how the concepts differentiate and interact as well as the relationships between “‘design and emotion’ and ‘users’ responses’” (Ho & Siu, 2012).

I Knew I Shouldn’t, Yet I Did It Again! Emotion-driven Design as a Means to Motivate Subjective Well-being, Deger Ozkaramanli and Pieter M. A. Desmet

Ozkaramanli & Desmet (2012) introduce the conflicting idea of emotion-driven design that affects a users well-being. Ozkaramanli & Desmet (2012) argues how the design of products can be used to resolve long term conflicting concerns rather than short fleeting moments which can be harmful to one’s well-being. Ozkaramanli & Desmet (2012) state that the translation of target users’ concerns into innovative and emotionally graphic products are required in both design for emotion and design for subjective well-being. A designers understanding of these concerns can then help to support emotional well-being.


Ho, A. G., & Siu, K. W. (2012). Emotion Design, Emotional Design, Emotionalize Design: A Review on Their Relationships from a New Perspective. The Design Journal, 9-32. doi: 10.2752/175630612X13192035508462

Ozkaramanli, D., & Desmet, P. M.,A. (2012). I knew I shouldn’t, yet I did it again! emotion-driven design as a means to motivate subjective well-being.International Journal of Design, 6(1) Retrieved from

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