Response 4: 3.2 Issue Essay References

Select three examples of contemporary emotional design. Create an argument about why they should be understood as ‘emotional design’, explaining how their design creates attachment through appeals to any or all of the four ways described by Mugge et al, (2007).

Reference List


Books (including book chapters)

  • Walter, A. (2011). Designing for Emotion. New York: Jeffrey Zeldman.

Journal and online articles (Include minimum 2 relevant scholarly/professional articles that you have found yourself)

  • Berger, J. and Chip H. (2006), “From who do people diverge? Out-group similarity, identity-signaling, and divergence”, Manuscript submitted for publication. Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands.
  • Ho, A. G., & Siu, K. W. (2012). Emotion Design, Emotional Design, Emotionalize Design: A Review on Their Relationships from a New Perspective. The Design Journal, 9-32. doi: 10.2752/175630612X13192035508462
  • Mugge, R., Schoormans, J. & Schifferstein, H. (2007). Product Attachment: Design Strategies to Stimulate the Emotional Bonding to Products, in H. Schifferstein & P.Hekkert,Product Experience, Burlington, Mass, USA: Elsevier.
  • Norman, D. (2002). Emotion and Design: Attractive Things Work Better, Interactions, 9, 4, 36-42.
  • Norman, D. (2009). Selective Memories: Creating Products With Emotional Resonance. Retrieved from Metropolis:
  • Tlhabano, M.K., Selemogwe, S.K.B. and Ibrahim O.A. (2013), “Self-expression, group affiliation, pleasure and memory as predictors of consumer product attachment and satisfaction among mobile phone users”, International Journal of Development and Sustainability, Vol. 2 No. 1, pp. 86-99.

Webpages (minimum 2 that you have found yourself)

Audio-visual (Documentaries, interviews, TEDTalks, etc)

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