Response 3: Journal Research

Emotion Design, Emotional Design, Emotionalize Design: A Review on Their Relationships from a New Perspective, Amic G. Ho and Kin Wai Michael Siu In this article, Ho and Siu (2012) discuss and explore “basic concepts and definitions of emotion design, emotional design and emotionalize design” which assist in furthering our understanding of how they are related to … More Response 3: Journal Research

Project 2: Quote Me

Instructions Each team will design up to four versions of the one (same) quote as a single-page ‘poster’ that expresses the quote typographically. Each version explores a different range of aspects and constraints and their effect on the visual and communication outcomes. Each team member will be responsible for one version; however, the team is … More Project 2: Quote Me

Task 2.2: Design Language

Place branding is essentially finding the most powerful image or visual representation of a particular destination to entice millions of travellers to that one particular place. “Place branding has to reflect, engage and activate the people of the place.” (Salzman, 2016) Two examples of place branding is New Zealand’s ‘100% Pure‘ campaign (Tourism New Zealand, 2016) … More Task 2.2: Design Language

Response 1: First things first manifesto 2000 and ‘Ten footnotes to a manifesto’

I found the tone of the First things first manifesto 2000 to be very proper and almost elitist. The authors are strangers to me, which made me question the validity and importance of the manifesto itself. I don’t know of these people or their designs, are their arguments still valid or void? Who are they to tell … More Response 1: First things first manifesto 2000 and ‘Ten footnotes to a manifesto’