Contemporary Design Issues


This unit prepares students to become effective design practitioners through the development of a broad understanding of contemporary design and media practices across a range of disciplines and how they are impacted by 21st century contexts.

They are required to research in depth and to think critically and analytically about the ways in which technological, economic, social and political changes affect how and where designers work, the kind of work they do and all aspects of the reception and use of their designs and management of projects. They will become familiar with the ethical issues related to design practice, about their capacity to contribute to better environmental and social outcomes, and the cultural contexts their work will be received in and influence.

This unit will develop strategic knowledge of how design is practised in the world today and encourage students’ thinking about the kind of designers they will aim to be.


Unit learning outcomes (LOs)

After successfully completing this unit, you should be able to:

  1. identify and appraise the impacts of a wide range of political, economic, social and technological and environmental contexts, on design practices
  2. write clearly and effectively about a range of contemporary issues affecting design practice in a range of discursive modes
  3. select a body of relevant critical theory to use in support of an argument and apply it to design and/or media practice in a research article
  4. formulate a cohesive and analytical argument about a design issue that articulates an informed point of view using relevant examples and ideas sourced through independent research
  5. critically evaluate fellow students’ contributions in collaborative group discussions that address contemporary design issues.

Key generic skills

You will be provided with feedback on your progress in attaining the following generic skills:

  • Critical analysis and evaluation skills.
  • Ability to synthesise knowledge.
  • Problem solving skills, including the ability to work independently.
  • Communication skills.
  • Ability to apply the principles of sustainability to life and work.

Set text

There is no individual set eText for this unit. Essential readings are provided in electronic format within the weekly learning materials.


Unit improvements

Swinburne Online strives to continuously improve our units in order to provide a high-quality student experience. Feedback received via the Student Feedback Survey and from our online teaching staff has resulted in improvements being made to this unit. Since this unit’s previous delivery, we have updated it to include the following:

  • Reduced number of tasks in Assessment 2
  • Included Essay pro forma (Assessment 3.1) to improve final essay outcomes
  • Revised learning materials to include new, and up-to-date, resources
  • Changed assessment submission deadlines, from Friday to Monday

Active learning

You will be engaged in an active learning environment, undertaking regular online activities, guided through the learning process by expert teaching staff who provide regular feedback. On average you will need to dedicate eight hours each week for your learning that includes readings, discussion with peers, and assessment.


Assessment task Word count/time limit (+/- 10%) Individual/team task Related learning outcomes (LO) Weighting Due date
Assessment 1: Discussion responses As applicable to task Individual 1, 2, 5 30%

(each response worth 5%)

Response 1: 5pm AEST Monday 17 July 2017 (Week 2)

Response 2: 5pm AEST Monday 31 July 2017 (Week 4)

Response 3: 5pm AEST Monday 14 August 2017 (Week 6)

Response 4: 5pm AEST Monday 4 September 2017 (Week 8)

Response 5: 5pm AEST Monday 11 September 2017 (Week 9)

Response 6: 5pm AEDT Monday 9 October 2017 (Exam week)

Assessment 2: Task work As applicable to task Individual 1, 2, 5 30%
(each task worth 10%)
Task 2.1: 5pm AEST Monday 24 July 2017 (Week 3)

Task 2.2: 5pm AEST Monday 7 August 2017 (Week 5)

Task 2.3: 5pm AEST Monday 28 August 2017 (Week 7)

Assessment 3.1: Essay pro forma N/A Individual 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 8% 5pm AEST Monday 4 September 2017 (Week 8)
Assessment 3.2: Issue essay 1500 Individual 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 32% 5pm AEDT Friday 13 October 2017 (Exam Week)