Brainstorm & mind mapping

Brainstorming session – Themes for my paper planes…

6 7 Possible Themes:

  • Pop culture – the roles it plays in our lives (with a focus on entertainment, technology & 2016 politics)
  • Travel – how it affects you and your view of the world around you, the different stages  of travel (planning, the trip itself, afterwards)
  • Holidays – family and friends coming together to celebrate (christmas, new years, thanksgiving etc)
  • Star Wars – I don’t exactly have a specific reason yet.. (Storm Toopers, Kylo Ren, Driods, Sabers, “The Force”)
  • New York subway – one of the most interesting transit systems to me, over a billion people ride it each year. People miss their trains (time), meet people on them (friends/lovers) live in the subway (homelessness population quite large in NY) people watching (where are these people going etc)
  • Life stages of a person – marriage/proposal, birthdays, graduation, new baby, new job, first house, big trip, breakups, death etc
  • The road to the Whitehouse – campaigning, “the battle”, Donald winning

I have no clue which theme i’m going to choose but I think I can narrow it down to Pop culture, NY subway & life stages of a person.. I feel like they would tell the most interesting narratives visually. Possibly even the road to the Whitehouse.

Pop culture –
Plane 1: Entertainment – viral videos & trends, movies/TV/music – icons
Plane 2: Politics (specifically the 2016 US election – Hillary VS Donald) Red, blue, silhoutte of Donald and Hillary with punching gloves on, opens up with US map in the middle, star spangled banner on the bottom
Plane 3: Technology –

NY Subway –
Plane 1: Subway stops – subway #s, commuters
Plane 2: Missed train – wasted time – empty train track, melted clock on the wall to symbolise lost time
Plane 3: People watching – seeing from the perspective of the watcher – plane closed will see person reading a paper in grand central, when open paper goes down and they take notice of their surroundings

Life stages –
Plane 1: Proposal/marriage – opens up to a ring?
Plane 2: Big trip – passport stamps, world map, flags
Plane 3: Breakups – icecream tub, tears, plane opens up to reveal a field of blooming flowers to symbolise a new beginning?

The Road to the Whitehouse –
Plane 1: Campaign trail -Red, blue, silhoutte of Donald and Hillary with punching gloves on, opens up with US map in the middle, star spangled banner on the bottom
Plane 2: Voting – nail biting, Donald “looking” at Melania’s vote,
Plane 3: Winner announced & world reacting – Donald “firing” Hillary, moving into whitehouse, world “exploding” from disbelief

Paper Plane designs

  1. The Stable
    The Stable
  2. The Condor
  3. The Buzz

There’s no real reason why I’ve chosen these specific designs other than they have nice big areas to design on!


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