Plane ideas – NY Subway Theme

Sketches of possible plane ideas… think I have decided on the New York Subway theme. I had an idea that each plane will then link to the next.. for instance, my first plane would be the person reading a newspaper and when they put it down they will then see some characters in front of them, who will be the characters in the next plane, so that will be interesting to try and take the design from my mind to illustrator 😂

Don’t mind the roughness, i’m currently sitting at the airport and drawing on my surface haha.

Plane idea #1

Basically plane #1 will be “told” from this random reading the newspapers perspective – when he opens his newspaper/looks up when you open the plane, you’ll see a gentleman running through a rushed grand central station. (haven’t drawn this in yet)


Plane idea #2

Super duper rough – basically follows on to tell the story of the guy rushing through as seen in plane #1 – he was rushing home to propose to his girlfriend but missed his train by seconds – I haven’t thought much more on this one yet, I was too busy people watching at the airport ironically! ha.


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